Unveiling the Brutality: Hamas’ Terrorist Acts Against Israeli Women On October 7 2023

On October 7, 2023, a devastating terror attack rocked the civilized communities of the world, leaving many millions in shock and disbelief. The incident took place at peaceful peace-loving communes, children, parents and the elderly, where innocent civilians were going about their daily lives.

The ideological fanatical Hamas violent attackers targeted unsuspecting civilians sleeping during the early hours of October 7, Hamas ideological fanatics unleashed chaos and fear in the heart of the Israeli communes and community. The details of the attack were both heartbreaking and horrifying, as lives were lost and families were torn apart in an instant.

The attackers used a combination of firearms and explosives to carry out their heinous acts, rape, murder, torture, destruction of property and the kidnapping of children, women, and the elderly, causing widespread destruction and devastation.

The scenes of chaos and panic that unfolded in the aftermath of the attack will forever be etched in the memories of those who witnessed it. The sheer brutality and senselessness of the violence that was unleashed that day left many questioning the state of humanity and the motives behind such acts of terror.

Hamas Launched An Assault on Israeli Women.

420+ Female Victims.

800+ Male Victims

On October 7th, a coordinated wave of assault by the Hamas terror organization resulted in the deaths of over 320 women.

Additionally, about 100 women and girls were kidnapped. Women and girls caught in the rampage were sexually brutalized, physically tortured, and killed.

Survivors witnessed it, and surveillance footage caught it. 100 days after October 7th, 17 Israeli women are still held hostage.

Thirty women, aged 12 to 48, who have been released from captivity, endured sexual abuse during their time in captivity.

In one instance captured on video, a woman was seen with her dress torn, her body gruesomely mutilated and burned, a stark representation of the violence inflicted upon the victims.

Hamas Terrorists Show No Mercy to Israeli Women in Shocking Attacks of Torture

Photographs viewed by The Times showed a woman’s corpse found in the rubble of a besieged kibbutz, with her thighs penetrated by dozens of nails, further illustrating the severity of the assaults.

Another video provided by the Israeli military showed two dead soldiers, shot directly in their vaginas, emphasizing the targeted nature of these heinous acts​​.

Survivors, women who endured the horrors of the attacks, were not only confronted with the profound loss of their loved ones but also subjected to sexual assault.

The Hamas perpetrators, primarily men, went beyond acts of violence; they deliberately targeted women, treating them as property or vessels to inflict harm on the state of Israel.

Women, falling victim to severe assaults that ultimately led to their tragic deaths, left their horrifying experiences to be recounted by first responders witnessing many who endure profound violations of their humanity and subjected to unspeakable acts of sexual mutilation.

This gender-specific war crime compounds the already distressing impact of the assaults and calls for the urgent need to look at its broader consequences.

The oct7map.com is a comprehensive site dedicated to shedding light on the many events that took place during the October 7th massacre.

Within this broader context, our focus here is specifically on the experiences of women during these tragic events.


Moving Forward With The Support of Israel People and Government 5785

As we continue to heal from the wounds inflicted by the October 7, 2023 terror attack, it is important that we also look towards the future. While the pain and trauma of that day will never fully fade, we must not allow ourselves to be defined by the Islamic ideological fanatical violence that was inflicted upon Israel. Instead, we must stand together as a Spiritual community, united in our commitment to building a future that is free from fear and hatred. Free from the erroneous ideological fanatics of Islam that is only a political organization. Not a representation of Deity.

The endeavor to seek a reality-based worldview that is ethical and moral objectively, according to the blueprint given by El Shaddai some 3470 years ago at Mount Sinai. As written down in the Book of Exodus chapters 19 and 20.

Thank you for visiting http://healthyeyesight2020.com/ website and taking the time to remember the people, the victims of terror on October 7, 2023 in Israel.

Genuine Friendship Poem 2023

Special True Friend 2023

Poem by Crystal A. Dedes

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2006

It has meant so much
Having you as a friend.
You will always be a part of me
Until the end.

When times are tough,
You are always there.
It has brightened my world
Just knowing you care.

You make me feel the love
I have inside.
You are a friend,
A mentor, a guide.

Since we met,
Our friendship has grown.
While you’re in the world,
I will never be alone.

I feel blessed to have met
Someone like you
And to have found a friendship
So special and true.

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2006

10 New Years Resolution’s for College Students


Russia Blocks UN Security Council On Ukraine

UN Security Meeting 26 February 2022

A veto against international law

After voting in favour of the resolution, France’s Ambassador, Nicolas de Rivière, said that Russia’s “premediated aggression” is killing civilians and destroying infrastructure with goal of rebuilding the Russian empire.

While other members expressed their commitment to international law, Russia vetoed it.

“Russia is alone,” he observed, adding that “within the UN and in all bodies, France will continue to mobilize with its partners to support Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.”

Russian Strategic 2022 Chessboard

“Russian Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya said that he would not respond to those who had accused him of abusing his country’s veto power.”

He accused the draft’s sponsors of “spinning tales” about the true situation in Ukraine, including Western allies’ attempts to cover up the fact that they had been flooding the Donbas with weapons.

“You have made Ukraine a pawn in your own game… this resolution is nothing other than yet another brutal, inhumane move on this Ukrainian chessboard,” he said.

“Indeed, the situation is being exploited by political and media outlets, he said, citing examples of the “height of propaganda”, including the misuse of images from Donbas to portray what was being referred to as Russian aggression.” 

Speaking to the representatives of France, the UK and US, he said that there was no verifiable confirmation about the death of Ukrainian civilians; that photographs of supposed Russian artillery “is fake”; and that reports of attacks on civilian infrastructure were untrue.

Moreover, with its history of aggressions against other countries, the United States was “in no position to moralize.”

Diabolical Script A seat in Hell

Ukraine Ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya asserted that he would not dignify the “diabolical script” read by the Russian Ambassador, which was in fact “a rather detailed application for… a seat in Hell.”

He recalled that during the Security Council’s discussions on the situation in Ukraine earlier in the week, Russia had begun bombing his country and sending forces across the border, including through Belarus.

Therefore, he was not surprised that Russia voted against the text, he said, denouncing the actions of “the Kremlin regime.”

Russian President Has Unhinged Himself From Moral Responsibility

Mr. Kyslytsya asked the Council to remember how many times the Russian Ambassador said that his country would not invade or bomb Ukraine. But after what had happened in recent days,

“how can we trust you? You have no idea what is in the mind of your President,” he declared.

The Ukraine Ambassador also noted that according to the rules of procedure, the Russian Ambassador should not have been presiding over a meeting of which his country was the subject.

Silent Moment for Peace

The Ukraine Ambassador asked the Council to dedicate a moment of silence “for peace… and to pray for the souls of those that have already been or may be killed”, inviting the Russian Ambassador to “pray for salvation.”

This was followed by solemn applause throughout the Chamber.

Noting that nothing could justify the bombing of hospitals and kindergartens –considered war crimes under the Rome Statute – he said that Ukraine was collecting evidence to send forward to the International Criminal Court (ICC)

A ‘Principled Stand’

Introducing the draft resolution, which her country had helped craft, US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield painted a picture of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that was “so bold, so brazen,” that it threatens the international system “as we know it.”

“We have a solemn responsibility not to look away,” she said stressing that Russia must be held accountable, and its forces immediately, completely and unconditionally withdrawn.

“Today we are taking a principled stand in this Council,” “Ms. Thomas-Greenfield said. “There is no middle ground,” responsible States do not invade their neighbours.”

Russian Ambassador Can’t Veto Accountability

After the text was defeated, Ms. Thomas-Greenfield took the floor again.

“You can veto this resolution, but you cannot veto our voices; You cannot veto the truth; You cannot veto our principles; You cannot veto the Ukrainian people; cannot veto the UN Charter…and you will not veto accountability,” she underscored.

“The US Ambassador said that despite the actions of a “reckless, irresponsible” Member State, the United States will continue to stand with Ukraine against Russia’s aggression.”

Source: https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/02/1112802https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/02/1112802

Evidence of Real Fraud 2020 US Elections

Real Evidence is coming out for the rampant disrespect for the 2020 US Elections. A general attitude of animosity from the Socialist Left, has been felt worldwide towards the Republican Party Policies and their Judaeo-Christian Worldview.

Article from The Epoch Times.

Trump Team to File Lawsuit: 40,000 People Voted Twice in Nevada

 A lawyer for President Donald Trump’s campaign said the team is preparing to file a lawsuit soon alleging that 40,000 people voted twice in Nevada, which, if true, could potentially erase Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden’s lead.

Trump attorney Jesse R. Binnall, speaking to Fox Business Wednesday, said that they found evidence of “real voter fraud,” including “thousands of thousands of instances” in Nevada that will be submitted to a court in the Silver State.

There are “instances of 40,000-plus people who have voted twice in the election,” Binnall remarked.

He did not provide a source, such as an affidavit or a whistleblower, for his claim but later said lawyers will present evidence to the court. It’s not clear where the bulk of the alleged fraudulent ballots were cast in the state.

Binnall, who helped defend retired Lt. Gen Michael Flynn, also said that some people who said they were recorded as having voted via mail never received ballots and told Trump’s team that they didn’t vote.

Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske’s office has not yet responded to a request for comment. Cegavske has released few public statements since the Nov. 3 election.

Several weeks ago, in response to allegations of fraud, Clark County Registrar of Voters Joe Gloria’s office told The Associated Press that Trump’s campaign’s “complaints … misstate and misrepresent evidence” and claimed they “parrot erroneous allegations made by partisans without first-hand knowledge of the facts.”

Earlier this week, Nevada Republicans dropped a lawsuit that claimed that people who no longer live in the state illegally cast ballots. It was later revealed that the addresses and zip codes in the lawsuit belonged to a number of military families and students who are legally able to vote in Nevada.

But in another instance, a data scientist, Dorothy Morgan, said there was an inexplicable jump in voter registrations with unusual addresses and incomplete information.

In an affidavit, Morgan said she spotted a “historically strange” increase in voter registrations missing the sex and age of the voter, as well as registrations where casinos and RV parks are provided as “their home or mailing addresses” in the Third Congressional District, which covers much of Clark County and Las Vegas.

“This investigation found over 13,000 voters whose voter registration information revealed no sex or date of birth. Not only does this mean we cannot verify whether these voters are old enough to vote, but it is also historically strange: While one does not expect voter registration information to be perfect, it is very strange that there were very, very few of these kinds of imperfect records with missing or invalid information until this year—when there are 13,372 of them,” she said, according to an affidavit obtained by the Washington Examiner.


10 New Years Resolution’s for College Students In 2020

10 New Years Resolution’s for College Students in 2020 is a forward looking guide towards a more productive future.

Are you a college student?  If so, you may be looking for New Year’s resolution ideas.  If so, continue reading on for ten good examples.

1 – Get Good Grades

For most college students, passing is more than enough.  Yes, you want to pass all of your classes, but why not aim higher?  Aim to get the best grades possible.  This may require more time studying or doing homework but try it. 

2 – Study

As previously stated, good grades may involve extra studying.  If you do not study at all, but only rely on knowledge learned from class lectures and homework, try exploring for a little bit.  Even if you take only one hour to look over your notes, your refreshed memory can help you get better test grades.

3 – Take a Fun Course

Most colleges and universities have a few “fun courses,” available.  These classes may not be directly related to your major, but have a little bit of fun.  Since you may earn fewer electives, the level should be cheaper.  Review your college course book to see if you can take a class on college life, the history of your college town, swimming, or something else exciting.

4 – Take a Challenging Course

Although taking a fun college course is recommended to keep college interesting, you should also challenge yourself.  Have you been playing it safe so far?  If so, make one of your New Year’s resolutions to be a challenging course.  Are you not that good with math?  Don’t avoid math courses like the plague.  Instead, try one.

5 – Attend Class

A problem that many freshmen have is no parental guidance.  There isn’t a parent there to wake them up for class, but an alarm clock that silences with the push of the snooze button.  Whether you are tired from a party the night before or just have an early class, make it your New Year’s resolution to attend all classes this semester.

6 – Volunteer

A college degree looks great on a job application or resume, but so does volunteer work.  The good news is that a college campus presents many volunteer opportunities.  Speak to campus officials to see if there are non-profit organizations that need part-time volunteers.

7 – Meet New People

If you are a freshman, meeting new people is essential.  Regardless of your student status, meeting new people can be difficult if you attend college near home.  You may have the same group of friends.  Still, make an effort.  Attend school functions, talk to those in your classes, and so forth.

8 – Stay in Contact with Your Family

Most college students are worried about meeting new friends, paying for college, and getting good grades.  These are all important, but don’t forget how you got to where you are; your family.  Great New Year’s resolutions for college students include visiting home during breaks and emailing or calling your parents or siblings weekly.

9 – Get a Part-Time Job

Jobs can be tricky for college students.  It is more important to get good grades.  If you cannot do both, focus on your studies first.  If you have extra time, make your New Year’s resolution to be a part-time job.  First, see if your school has a work-study program that can help with your tuition costs.  If not, opt for a fun job at a retail store where you can get a good discount.

10 – Enjoy College Life

As previously stated, all college students should have the New Year’s resolutions of getting good grades and attending classes, but don’t let it consume your life.  College is not only about getting a degree but having a great time.  So, don’t spend your weekends holed up in your room studying.  Try to attend at least one good party a month.

Thank you for visiting http://healthyeyesight2020.com website and reading this 10 New Years Resolution’s for College Students In 2020 article post.


The Basic Guide To Choosing Golf Clubs

The Basic Guide To Choosing Golf Clubs

Choosing a decent set of golf clubs is very important when starting golf as a hobby, or for further maturing in the golf game. Therefore you should consider many different things when buying clubs. If you have no previous experience with the selection and purchase of golf clubs, you should be glad that you have searched and clicked across to this article. You will find out some of the most helpful advice when buying clubs, as well as general helpful information that any golfer should know. If you are very thorough in your search for the right golf clubs, you will be glad that you took the extra time and research to find out the information needed to make that choice.

Firstly you should familiarize yourself with the types of golf clubs that you need. There are 14 clubs total for each set, but they can all be categorized in the following:

  • irons
  • woods
  • and putters.

Irons are the ones that are used for very distance specific golfing work, and the distance is determined by the size and weight of the head. You are probably most familiar with these from using them on the golf course.

Woods are used to achieving very large distances with a slightly lower accuracy level than irons. You will have to hit a ball a few times with wood to get an idea of how far it will go with your stroke.

Putters are used for shorter strokes, and strokes that require a higher level of accuracy than the other clubs can provide. In order for your golf club collection to be complete (or even functional within the golf game), you will need to have at least one of each of these.

If you are just getting started with golfing, then you probably won’t want to buy a full golf set. It is a better idea to buy adjustable clubs that can change into different types. You may be able to change the 14 clubs into just 5 or 6. This not only means less to carry but also that you will be able to tweak your clubs to perfection after you purchase them. This is the best way to get a feel for your needs when it comes to the specific statistics of the club. Once you have pretty much decided on certain settings, you may decide to buy golf clubs that are permanently set like that. Until then, you should be perfectly fine with adjustable clubs, especially since you are a beginner.

Graphite is something that many golfers are split on

The advocates of graphite say that it is lighter, easier to swing and allow for more powerful strokes because of this. However, there are many who disagree with graphite and will remain steel golfers for life. They maintain that graphite clubs are unnecessarily expensive, without giving noticeable benefits. Some prefer the stiffness of steel over the comparatively flexible graphite clubs. If you have a fast stroke or you prefer to have some weight in your club, you will be fine sticking with steel clubs. After all, there’s nothing better than really having a heavy club that you can feel the momentum in when you swing.

Until you are an advanced golfer, you won’t have to worry about things like spin and head weight. The best thing you can do as a beginner is to familiarize yourself with all aspects of the game and become very skilled with the equipment that you already have. Doing this will allow you to make smart choices for the future, and therefore constantly improve your golf game. Until then, just stick with what you have and master it. You will be glad in the future when you have not wasted huge amounts of money on equipment that is far more fancy and technical than you could possibly need. This is something that many golfers regret, and something that you can avoid.


Thank you for visiting healthyeyesight2020.com website and reading up to this The Basic Guide To Choosing Golf Clubs article post. For more related articles visit FaceBook page. www.facebook.com/Eyesight-Health

Awesome Benefits from Quitting Smoking 2019

Many Benefits from Quitting Smoking

Looking to set up for a harvest of health benefits while planning your quit smoking campaign. There are many long-term benefits in store as you attempt to quit smoking to keep you encouraged, plus it can be a great reminder about exactly why you set out on the adventure of stopping smoking when the going gets tough.

Reverse engineering habits is also beneficial to understanding the environment and events that lead people to start smoking in the first place. Overall health benefits that will affect the overall active lifestyle.

The most obvious health benefits come into the life style.  By quitting smoking you can decrease your risk

  • of lung cancer
  • heart disease
  • heart attack
  • stroke
  • and even high blood pressure to name just a few of the health problems that are experienced by smokers.

While the time that it takes to decrease the risks varies according to the health condition.  However, there is a health improvement once the activity of smoking is replaced with active outdoors leisure time.

Active outdoors can change a person mind from being negative, sad and depressed to a positive mind set. The outdoor plants breath, they drink water and enjoy the sunshine. There is a lesson in the natural environment, by spending time outdoors walking, cycling, skating, jogging, running, swimming, hiking, climbing and more, the interaction of the fresh air and physical activity starts to work instantly to improve the overall condition of the human soul.

Overcoming a negative mind set may be the first hurdle to overcome. Some people are overly passive, outdoors activities can snap them out of that negative mind set and join the land of the living by being physically active.

Take a moment to observe the wild animals that live outdoors.

The animals are physically active, they have a balance of  activity, rest, eating, drinking and other. Too often human beings are out of balance, they have deceived themselves into a physically passive state, and mentally negative state where they find it difficult to go outdoors and spend some time observing life. There is no life in watching TV, eating snacks and drinking beer full time is not life, it is a sure early death to physical health.

By being physically active can be encouraging, you will be able to breathe better as you interact with the natural environment outdoors.

Money gone up in smoke

Money is another practical reason to quit smoking.  With the average cost of smoking up to over $1,800 a year for a single pack a day habit, you are looking at a lot of money just burned away.  Keeping the money in your pocket can do a lot for your budget.  It could even mean the difference between being able to buy a decent push bike, motor bike, a skate board, snow board, skies or other transport with the money saved on smokes.  You might even decide to drop the money into a savings account and really get the maximum benefit, regardless of your choice you are going to be happy to hang onto the money, rather send it up in smoke.

Other benefits can include being able to keep your house, car and clothes smelling fresher.  Everyone knows that cigarettes have a bad smell, and those who do not smoke can really pick up the smell.  As your desire to smoke goes away, your ability of the senses will improve.

The most obvious benefits that come from quitting smoking will be self-control and overall improved quality of life and regain balance in life style. The benefits depend on the individual desire to improve their lifestyle from unhealthy habits to a healthier lifestyle.

What is better than finding the fountain of youth?  Just by stopping smoking, you can significantly increase the quality of life.

This combined with the health benefits that quitting smoking may be that the overall life span is increased.

improved offers you could find that you are looking at adding as much as 10 years onto your life.  The quality of life will certainly improve, because there will be less worry about poor health, and the negative aspects of nicotine dependency and nicotine addiction. Less is more.

Natural Outdoors Lifestyle

Life was designed by the Creator of life to be naturally healthy, we can observe that from the wild animals of nature and the birds that fly over our heads. Also, the fish that swim in the ocean, rivers and lakes, they were all designed to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

To overcome bad habits there needs to be a healthy rational reason why the bad habits are unhealthy and negative. There are many reasons why addictions to substances are negative, people can live without them.

There is also the spiritual aspect to the human soul, intellect, conscience, imagination, will, memory and emotions.

By praying to the Creator of Life can bring saving grace to serious problems.  Watching a video about the life of Jesus can also help the mind to put life into a proper perspective.

One such YouTube video, or a DVD is the Gospel of Matthew. The movie is word for word as it is written in the New International Version of the Bible.  People have problems, today, people also had problems 2000 years ago. By watching the life of Jesus from Nazareth can bring hope to any personal problems that people may have.

Jesus is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow.

Matthew 11:28-30 New International Version (NIV)

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Many problems and addictions are the result of human self will to do their own thing. Over time people reap what they have sown. Including bad habits. It may be difficult to accept that personal decisions have been wrong decision, especially during the early teenage years. Most people will make wrong decision some wherein their life, but most people learn from their mistakes, and go on to overcoming the wrong choices.

To spend time in a healthy natural environment can be a positive experience, considering that the Creator of Life has created Life to be active, dynamic, good and healthy.

Psalm 19 New International Version.

For the director of music. A psalm of David.

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

2 Day after day they pour forth speech;  night after night they reveal knowledge.

3 They have no speech, they use no words;  no sound is heard from them.

4 Yet their voice[b] goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.

5 It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, like a champion rejoicing to run his course.

6 It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other;     nothing is deprived of its warmth.

7 The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

8 The precepts of the Lord are right,  giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant,  giving light to the eyes.

9 The fear of the Lord is pure,  enduring forever. The decrees of the Lord are firm,  and all of them are righteous.

10 They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb.

11 By them your servant is warned; in keeping them there is great reward.

12 But who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults.

13 Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then I will be blameless, innocent of great transgression.

14 May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart     be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.”

Psalm 19:  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psalm+19&version=NIV

Planning a Family Vacation to Paris France

Planning a Family Vacation to Paris France

Are you looking for a family vacation destination? If you are, Paris France is recommended. Yes, you do have a number of destination options and great attractions back home, but why not give your children the experience of a lifetime?

If you opt for Paris as your family’s next vacation destination, order passports. Passports are needed to travel overseas. Expedited passports can be obtained in four weeks, but they are very costly. Instead, plan ahead. Give yourself at least two months to receive them. Regardless of their age, all members of your family should have a valid passport.

Once you have ordered or have your passports in your hands, you can start to make your travel arrangements. First, make your airline reservations. When doing, keep your children, their age, and maturity level in mind. A flight to Paris is long, but look for shorten flights. For example, if you are flying from the Midwest United States, choose a flight to the East Coast of the United States with limited layovers. If a layover is a must, select short layovers. Parents of young children can benefit from overnight flights to Paris, as children can sleep most of the trip.

Next, you will want to book your overnight stay. When doing so, you have multiple options. Paris is home to a wide range of hotels, including French hotels and those operated by a national brand. It is nice to select a hotel that gives you that “true,” Paris experience, but always remember your children. The best hotel for a family vacation is one that is filled with fun activities for individuals of all ages. A swimming pool and onsite game room can keep your children occupied and happy.

When planning a family vacation, it is important to keep fun in mind. You may have bored children if you spend your days only visiting museums and monuments. Parents are encouraged to mix up the activities and attractions visited. For example, visit the Carnavalet Museum, which is a history museum. Then, make your next stop at the cellar aquarium found at the Palais de la Porte Doree. Alternating between historical and fun attractions in Paris is likely to please everyone in the family, including you and your children.

Before departing for Paris, you should research popular attractions online. This allows you to create an itinerary for your trip. Knowing where you need to go and how you intend to get there can ease the stressful process of planning a family vacation, especially one in a foreign country. You can use the internet to research museums, cinemas, boutiques, and restaurants. You can also request free Paris France travel guides, but do so well in advance of your trip.

In the days leading up to your family vacation to Paris, it is important to get all affairs in order. When packing, double-check for important documents. These documents include forms of identification, passports, health insurance cards, and any needed medications. Before packing for you and your children, check the anticipated weather forecast.

In keeping with packing for your family vacation to Paris, keep the plane ride in mind. It is long. Even if you booked an overnight flight, always have things to do for your children. For infants and toddlers, small toys are a good idea. For elementary school aged children and teenagers, consider a music player with headphones, portable DVD player, books, or magazines. In fact, you may want to request free Paris travel guides and let your children view them on the plane. This can help to keep them occupied and it builds excitement.

Most importantly, remember to have fun. It is no secret that family vacations can be stressful and overwhelming to plan. Pleasing all family members can be difficult, but there is no better place to visit than Paris. There are hundreds of attractions in this great city, many of which are designed for individuals of all ages.

Happy New Year 2018

Thank you for visiting  http://healthyeyesight2020.com website and reading this Planning a Family Vacation to Paris France article post. I wish you and your family a Happy New Year 2018.


Deciding Which Doctor to See

Deciding Which Doctor to See

If you have more than one doctor, which many people do especially athletes then it is often confusing exactly which doctor you should see. However, if you follow some simple guidelines you should find the decision much easier. Remember, seeing a doctor is a good idea in the event of an injury, however emergencies are usually best treated in an emergency room with follow up through your normal doctor.

Healthy eye vision 2020
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You should first consider why you want to go to the doctor. If you have a need rather than just simply a check up then consider exactly what is needed. If you need a simple work up or even a flu shot then seeing a standard family practitioner is usually much easier and faster. However, if you have a sports related injury then it is best to see a sports medicine doctor.

As part of your sports medicine team, you are likely to have numerous doctors all working together with a physical therapist, primary doctor and various other professionals including often a surgeon. Your first stop whenever seeing a sports medicine doctor should always be to your primary physician. After visiting with them, they can determine based off your needs exactly whom you should be referred to see next. This also often has the benefit of allowing some treatment options to get started in the meantime, rather than being forced to wait until the specialist can see you.

However, it is important to note that if you only see a sports medicine doctor and do not have a standard internal medicine or family physician that you should always see your sports medicine doctor unless they recommend you see someone else. With sports medicine doctors covering a large gamut of specialties it is possible to only use sports medicine doctors if preferred.

If you are running a fever, or else have a rash that has appeared, the best doctor to often see is your primary care physician. If however, you have been experiencing leg pain then it is best to see the sports medicine doctor. Anytime you have a problem or injury that has resulted because of sports, or can impact sports it is best to see a sports medicine doctor.

In the event that you have a pressing issue that needs immediate treatment, often the decision over which doctor to see becomes blurred. This is because many times doctors have very long waits before being able to secure an appointment. If you discover that this is your problem, you best bet is to check with both doctors and see who can fit you in sooner. If neither doctor is able to see you fast enough, you may be best to see the emergency room in your area and schedule a follow up visit. While not everyone is pleased with seeing an emergency room rather than their normal doctor it is a necessary action at times where there are serious complications or in the event of an emergency.

While emergencies may mandate the usage of the emergency room, appointments that are not emergencies should be scheduled with the appropriate doctor to ensure that you receive the best care possible. For example, if you are using a sports medicine doctor and also an internal medicine doctor you should schedule your normal yearly check ups with your internal medicine doctor, as well as your yearly flu shot. However, if you are looking into creating a new exercise program or even starting a new sport then a visit to your sports medicine doctor is most appropriate.

As the number of sports medicine doctors offering varying specialties continues to increase the decision over which doctor to choose for visits is likely to become even more confusing, however you are not alone and by carefully considering the purpose of the visit, you should be able to easily determine which doctor is the best choice for your individual needs.

Thank you for visiting  this http://healthyeyesight2020.com  website and taking the time to read this Deciding Which Doctor to See article post. I hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this website link with your friends.  If you would like to read articles on the Healthy Eye Vision visit http://onlineeyesighttest.com/ 


Wireless Surveillance Cameras

Wireless Surveillance Cameras

We all want nothing but safety and security for our home and our family and sometimes, we could only do so much and pray that nothing bad would happen. But fortunately, with the popularity of home security systems, people are now becoming more and more aware of what action they could do in order to prevent housebreaks, burglary, and fires.

Wireless Surveillance Cameras

Now, there is a more extensive measure that we could take when it comes to home security system and they are home security video wireless surveillance cameras that could record and monitor what happens on the around our houses. The footages of the home security video wireless surveillance cameras are also a good tool when it comes to identifying and tracking down the suspects that broke in to your home.

Hidden Cameras For Security

Home security video wireless surveillance cameras may seem very unusual and extensive since we only see them on stores and other business establishments to record all the people that are coming in and going out of their stores. However, there are now many shops who are offering home security video wireless surveillance cameras for us, homeowners, to enjoy the benefits of this kind of monitoring when it comes to our safety and security.

An online shop, Hidden Camera Solutions specialize in home security video wireless surveillance cameras that are high in quality, easy to install hidden camera surveillance systems, and affordable without compromising its efficiency. You could see a wide array of home security video wireless cameras at the hidden camera catalogue link and see cameras in different sizes and kinds. Some of them are concealed in radios and clocks that you would not think that they are a home security video wireless surveillance cameras at all and they could also custom design your hidden camera depending on your needs.

Another store that sells great home security video wireless surveillance cameras is the Galaxy Gadgets And Gizmos and they have a wide array of stock of surveillance cameras with all of the components that you may need. They also offer other spy equipment which are compact, unique, and best disguised devices that you could find on the web. Guaranteed, the products at Galaxy Gadgets And Gizmos are all of high-quality and would surely meet your home security needs.

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