Retina human vertebrate

Learn which eye vitamins naturally improve eye health. The Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula was designed to improve vision and eye health, and help people with Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts.

 Retina human vertebrate  eye anatomy cross cut illustrated, and the functions explained

The Retina human vertebrate is the innermost tunic of the Eyeball, the neural tunic.

 Retina human vertebrate eye, consist of inner neural layer and a outer pigmented layer.  The inner neural layer contains the photo receptors, both rods and cones that detect light, as well as the neurons that the photo receptors stimulate in order to send signals to the brain.

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The Retina human vertebrate anatomy:

  • Choroid
  • Pigmented epithelium
  • Photoreceptors: rods and cones.
  • Neurons: Retinal ganglion cells, bi-polar cells.
  • Optic nerve axons.
  • Amacrine cells.
  • Bipolar cells
  • Horizontal cells
Retina human vertebrate
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The  photoreceptors constantly release glutamate and stops when it hyperpolarizes.

Bipolar cell are neurons which it’s dendrite photo receptors synapse with, and which axion synapse with Retinal ganglion cells.
When a Photoreceptor absorbs a photon it hyper polarizes, and stops producing glutamate, the change is detected by the bipolar cells, and the information passed on to the Gnaglian cells.

Horizontal cells are neurons that run perpendicular to the bipolar cells and are located where the photo receptors synapse with the bipolar cells, like the Amacrite cells the Horizontal cells can facilitate or inhibit signaling between the photoreceptors and the Retinal gnaglion cells.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download

Transduction occurs in the photoreceptors all other neurons; bipolar, ganglion, horizontal and amacrine interact with synapses.

Retina human vertebrate eye gets more and more fascinating as the information and knowledge unfold it’s hidden secrets. From the outer choroid layer to the inner neurons the Retina human vertebrate is a marvel.

Eye Care

Retina human vertebrate eye has many nutritional needs

Nutritional needs for the essential nutrients and food pigments that are also called antioxidants. Weakening eye vision can be corrected, improved and maintained with a Natural Eye Vision program that is 100% natural. The holistic approach to health does work for those people that take the time to give the eye vision the right condition and environment to grow, change, repair and to renew itself with the natural biological process. Most likely the cause of weakening eye vision is neglect, unhealthy environment, over stress, overworked, and poor general health.

Learn how to improve the eye vision health for life.

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Science of changing your mind

Learn which eye vitamins naturally improve eye health. The Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula was designed to improve vision and eye health, and help people with Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts.

The Science of changing your mind explained by Joe Dispenza.

Joe Dispenza – Evolve Your Brain – The Science of Changing Your Mind Download the Evolve Your Brain PDF –

The science of changing your mind is a possibility, because of the self deterministic nature of the free will. Think a though, make a choice, act out the thought, repeat the action, it becomes a habit.

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The Science of changing your mind and the ever-changing Brain-body connections is a fascinating topic to study.

This video is really interesting listening, it points out how the mind is able to transcend the physical brain, and how reinforced habits become a physical expansion of the brain to the entire body, commanding over the executive mind, if the physical habits are not constrained with self-control over the physical body.

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The science of changing your mind


Stem part – Human brain in x-ray view

Self-discipline with creative proactive thinking can make new connections.

Joe Dispenza points in the Science of changing your mind book that to bring about change in personal life, it has to be initiated with a consciousness of the situation and to think greater than what is the given norm and normal patterns.  Similarly to; knowingly being lost inside a maze, the confusion of the maze should not confuse the mind, but to see outside of the maze with a clear perspective.  The immediate environment can confuse, if allowing the brain to get all of the confusing attention. Being selective with the willful mind on what information data the brain gets to store, or changing the environment, or relocating to a more cohesive environment.

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Here is a link to this great book:

Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind.

Here is a quote from the book The science of changing your mind:

We humans have a unique capacity to change.  It is via the frontal lobe that we go beyond the preprogrammed behaviors that are genetically compartmentalized within the human brain, the recorded history of our species past.  Because our frontal lobe is more evolved than any other species on earth, we have tremendous adaptability, and with it come choice, intent, and full awareness.  We possess an advanced bit of biotechnology that allows us to learn from our mistakes and shortcomings, to remember, and to modify our behavior so that we can do a better job in life.

Also that humans have a Divine aspect, that gives humans the right to design and change their own lives the way they want.

The science of changing your mind is made by the decision-making process

The decision making process is a vital part of the free will, intellectual consciousness and self-awareness to think, observe, plan a course and to take action. Intelligent ideas should become a goal in life, if they are noble, moral and have include grace and human good will.

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Health Benefit Ginger Spice

Learn which eye vitamins naturally improve eye health. The Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula was designed to improve vision and eye health, and help people with Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts.

Health Benefit Ginger Spice should be experienced by everyone, it is 100% natural remedy

The Health Benefits of Ginger are many. Ginger is one of the world’s seven most potent disease-fighting spice…

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Benefit ginger spice from early in the morning to late in the evening can be rewarding.

Benefit ginger spice ingredient in ready prepared meals does vary, the ingredient size and the composition do vary from the early morning breakfast to the late evening snack to satisfy hunger.  The most common meal times are; breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with several snack times in between, which can include hot beverages tea & coffee.  Ideally, these meals are loaded with all of the good nutrients that the eleven systems of the body needs, and also to satisfy the feeling of the stomach with consumed food, and the flavors of spice on the taste buds sensors with the familiar delicious flavors that are desirable and enjoyable to experience.

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Health Benefit Ginger Spice

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Benefit ginger spice in ready prepared and sold as ready-made meals in a package so it is often easy to generalize food as a breakfast, lunch and dinner, without much attention to the specific ingredients.  By adding lots of ingredients together, it is assumed that it gets better, whatever that may mean, but mostly the objective is about “FLAVOR”.  various ingredients are minced together to form the filling for sausages, chicken cuts  are; stuffed, marinated, coated, battered, crusted, crumbled so that the product becomes more attractive and desirable.   Does it work?  Yes in part it does, it can become more attractive and also add more flavor to the plain white flesh of chicken.  But that is not the full story when we look at food as nutrition and evaluate the long-term effects of eating foods that are either healthy or unhealthy.

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Food should be viewed as essential nutrients for all systems of the body.

There are also individual food ingredients that have their own nutritional properties; carbohydrates, protein, fats, fiber, water, minerals, vitamins, macro and micronutrients.  By looking at individual food ingredients for their nutritional value, and how they are directly linked to the needs of the eleven systems of the human body, this is a direct approach to meet the essential demands of the human body.

The pleasure of consuming food, and Consumer Marketing.

There is basic core food for the nutritional needs of the body.  Then there is also the trivial entertainment illusion of food presentation, if it crosses the line from having nutritional adding value and being healthy,  to unhealthy. Why is that?   It is because of the business interests in selling food.  Selling food ingredients from a business perspective rather than nutritional perspective.

The nutritional benefits of the ginger spice in raw vegetable salads.

There are many thousands of fine ingredients that by themselves they have many health benefits, ginger is one of them. Whether eating it raw in a salad or as a spice in a dish it does contain health aiding qualities, here are some of them.

The properties of ginger and the source of micronutrients are many; magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Copper, Vitamin B6.

There are many Medical benefits of the ginger spice.

The health benefits of the ginger spice are many, the remedy for common ailments can be alliterated with the consumption of ginger,

  • alleviate nausea
  • arthritis
  • anti-inflammatory agent
  • stimulate digestion
  • reduce respiratory problems
  • motion sickness
  • anti ovary cancer agent
  • lowers cholesterol
  • antioxidant properties
  • prevents migraines
  • prevents blood clots
  • cold and flu prevention and treatment.

Really easy way to enjoy the benefits of the ginger spice is to prepare ginger tea using fresh ginger, lemon juice, and honey, enjoy food ingredients  that are actually really good for you.

Use fresh ginger, lemon and honey tea as a beverage

Fresh ginger, lemon and honey tea are great for  a cold winter warmer, winter time is great for reading when the weather is too awful to be going outdoors in the rain. The eye vision can be under a lot of stress if it is overused with long days on the computer station or reading without tea breaks.  Eye vision health is important to consider, learn how to improve eye vision and how to maintain a healthy eye vision for life, visit this link for more details.

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Vital Physical Exercise

Learn which eye vitamins naturally improve eye health. The Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula was designed to improve vision and eye health, and help people with Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts.

Vital Physical Exercise should be part of everyday activities

Find out how many calories this routine burns @ Like us on Facebook: to get our newest workout videos & more.

Physical exercise or activity for each day is essential for maintaining a good level of overall health.

Physical exercise is one part of dynamic life that is generally accepted and is the essential element of being healthy, by being physically mobile.  Also a good night sleep with plenty of rest is a desirable goal at the end of the day.

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Physical exercise

Vital Physical Exercise
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The busy lifestyle of some people along with commitments to work can eat up the time so that there is no time left in a day to enjoy quality physical activities outdoors.  For others the work day is filled with so many physical activities that the body is overly tired from it all, so therefore quality rest is the most appropriate in keeping the body healthy.  For others, it may be work at a computer desk all day in an office with very little physical movement, then the most sensible thing after work may be to go out and play team sport, or a walk, jog, climb or a run for 30-45 minutes, or more depending on the fitness level and the time available before other commitments.

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Physical exercise can be seasonal in some parts of the world

The seasons and a particular time of the year is also more conducive to physical activities in some part so f the world, I would imagine that in the Pacific areas recreational activities outdoors are fairly pleasant all year round, and on the other hand in the far Northern and southern hemispheres the winter season is less pleasant for outdoor activities, unless there is a keen interest in the winter sports.

Physical exercise is at it’s best when combined with fun sports.

Physical activities can  be fun and exciting in all of the seasons, especially when being inactive with a group or solo sports game.  Sports can be played anywhere in the world, if there are the motivation and the will to get physically active, also to do things outdoors and even spend time indoors exercising when the weather is not so pleasant.

Stimulating exercises for eye vision with series of eye vision charts

Physical exercise routine does great things for the physical body, it keeps the engine running smoothly, all parts interconnected performing as one unit. There are also eye vision exercises that stimulate a healthy eye vision.  The 100% Natural Eye Vision program offers numerous exercises to enhance the eye vision by doing a user-friendly routine that stimulates the entire eye vision. Many of the exercises are uncanny,  meaning that the eye vision exercises stimulate at the very core of the eye lens mechanism, projection and simulation. Focus close up, focus far away, sharpen focus, release focus, etc. Do visit this link provided and see what is being offered for those that are interested in how to improve their eye vision naturally.

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Beta Carotene Bonus

Learn which eye vitamins naturally improve eye health. The Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula was designed to improve vision and eye health, and help people with Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts.

Beta Carotene is the orange colored pigment with important antioxidant properties

Carrots for healthy vision — who hasn’t heard this by now? There’s no denying the fact that beta-carotene is one of the most effective nutrients when it com…

Beta Carotene as a nutrient is very effective in supporting the health of the eyes, including the protection of the cornea, the thin outer clear layer on the front of the eye pupil.

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Beta Carotene is a strong antioxidant and it can also be converted into vitamin A by the cells of the body.

Diversity of Fresh vegetables

Beta Carotene pigment compounds can be found in many fruit and vegetables, and they are all fantastic ingredients for everybody to enjoy, all it takes is a plan for a shopping list, then a visit to the local farmer’s markets or the grocery.

Healthy Visual System

Fresh fruit and vegetables are very affordable in comparison to other food ingredients, e.g meats, cheese, seafood etc, so load up on the fruit and vegetables because they are loaded with so many health benefits and they also taste great for those that can discern and enjoy the diverse taste of raw fruit and vegetables, and the best part is that they are produced by Mother Nature, so do use and enjoy it.

Beta Carotene

Beta Carotene, the orange colored food pigment, protects the retina of the eye.

Whether eating raw carrot sticks, steamed, grilled, roasted or boiled puree carrot soup, the orange colored Beta Carotene will find it’s way into the bloodstream from the stomach, and to the back of the eye which is called the retina.  Beta Carotene is antioxidant that protects against free radicals and also from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.

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Most bright colored fruit and vegetables contain antioxidants.

The Fruit and Vegetables contain plant chemicals which are called; Lutein and Zeaxanthin and they are strong antioxidants that are fighting against the free radicals to keep the systems of the physical body healthy and free.

Natural Eye Vision Program enhances healthy eye vision

Beta Carotene pigment filled with fresh fruit and vegetables is a vital component ensuring a healthy eye vision.  The second important component is a healthy active dynamic lifestyle, eliminating the negatives and accentuate the positives.  The third is understanding the eye vision system, the only way to ensure that the eye vision system is not being damaged by any elements that may cause damage, is to understand what it is, how it works and how to maintain it properly.  The basic areas to consider are:

  •     work environment
  •     extended work hours
  •     a computer workstation and ergonomics
  •     balanced essential nutrients
  •     clean water and fresh air
  •     lifestyle

Fresh fruit and vegetables and Beta Carotene pigments are all important to make the healthy eye vision perform at optimal condition and to ensure that the eye vision continues on for a lifetime.  Learn more how to improve healthy eye vision information from this link provided.

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Lutein Benefits for Eyesight

Learn which eye vitamins naturally improve eye health. The Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula was designed to improve vision and eye health, and help people with Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts.

Lutein is a vital ingredient for a healthy eye vision

Lutein Benefits for Eyesight is from the Lutein yellow plant pigment that is necessary to maintain the health of the macula, an area of the eye responsible for central and high acuity vision.

Eye Care

Lutein is the yellow pigment compound in fruit and vegetables.

It is obtained from the consumption of fruit and vegetables, it is in the bright yellow fruit and vegetables as well as the dark green vegetables e.g. kale, spinach, broccoli, peas, zucchini and Brussels sprouts.  It is a presence in the cells of the eyes gives many positive effects benefits to the anatomy of the eye. The retina needs Lutein for optimal function,  also protecting light-sensitive areas of the eye e.g. lens, macula and retina.

thorn-buck berries
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By consuming lots of fruit and vegetables daily has many health benefits, the high bright yellow/dark green  vegetables about Lutein, also has antioxidant properties that protect the eyes from free radicals.  Add them to your grocery list, be creative in the making of salads and the vegetable dishes.  Breakfast, morning break, lunchtime and afternoon snacks can be fresh fruit, there is always some kind of fruit available in any season for most people, if not then deep freeze the berries when they are in the peak season and save them for the months that they are not so affordable or available.

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Lutein plant pigment should regularly be consumed for the eye vision sake

Discover more information including a 100% Natural Eye Vision program designed to exercise  the eye vision and stimulate the focus mechanism of the lens and many other tips and tricks how to protect your eye vision from the harmful environment and work-related near point stress. Great way to pick up Lutein packed fruit and vegetables is by visiting your local farmer’s markets during the summer months. Some variation from region to region but most farmers markets do have either fresh yellow fruits or vegetables that are locally grown. Farmers markets are always the exciting place to visit, if they have a large stock of fresh produce, visit your local farmer’s markets soon.

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Lycopene Health Benefits

Learn which eye vitamins naturally improve eye health. The Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula was designed to improve vision and eye health, and help people with Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts.

Lycopene is an antioxidant


Lycopene is not just one of the most popular members of the carotenoid family; it is also one of the most beneficial. Red in color, Lycopene is what essentially…

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The Lycopene pigment compound is stunning bright red as ruby and it packs a real mean punch for the healthy cell molecules against the villains that break cells down named; Singlet Oxygen radicals. Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download

Lycopene is a Carotenoid, that gives many fruit and vegetables their red color.

The fruit and vegetables with bright red compound pigments are the ones to add to the grocery list and your family menu.  These are essential nutrients that the body does not produce, they need to find their way from the farmer, to the markets and the educated consumers shopping basket, and finally to the dinner table, where these essential nutrients can be shared and enjoyed for good health.  Enjoy eating the bright red fruit and vegetables, knowing that they help the body cells to survive the attacks of the free radicals.


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Lycopene is powerful antioxidant found in foods.

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The foods that have the most concentrated Lycopene content are these:

  1.     Cooked and sun-dried tomatoes
  2.     Guavas (pink or red color)
  3.     Watermelon
  4.     a grapefruit (pink and red)
  5.     Dried parsley and basil
  6.     Persimmons
  7.     Asparagus
  8.     Liver
  9.     Chilli powder
  10.     Red cabbage
  11.     Papay
  12.     Moreover, other tomato products; puree, sauce, soup and ketchup

Lycopene is insoluble in water and dissolves only in organic solvents and oils.

It is most obvious when preparing tomato sauce with a white apron on splashes of tomato from the simmering pot will stain fabric unless rinsed and washed while it is still a fresh stain.  However, if using a white ice cream containers to store ready-made tomato sauce or soup, then the container will stain and be white again.  This is why tomato sauce containers are either made of glass or red colored plastic.

Because of the insoluble in water structure, lycopene in food preparations will stain porous material, including fabrics, plastics and timber. While a tomato sauce stain can be removed from fabric. Lycopene diffuses into plastic, making it impossible to remove with detergent and water.

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Lycopene vital ingredients for Healthy Eye Vision, visit website Online Eyesight Test for more information of how to improve eyesight naturally with Holistic health and eye vision exercises.

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Learn which eye vitamins naturally improve eye health. The Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula was designed to improve vision and eye health, and help people with Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts.

 Astaxanthin is a health beneficial Carotenoid

Typically found in a type of green algae (Haematococcus pluvialis), Astaxanthin is a fat-soluble carotenoid with a unique molecular structure that makes it a…

Astaxanthin is very effective at quenching highly energized singlet Oxygen molecules.

Astaxanthin absorbs the energy produced by these destructive free radicals and dissipates it as heat. Astaxanthin is a colorful red yellow lipid-soluble pigment.

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Astaxanthin is classified as a xanthophyll (the word meaning “yellow leaves” because yellow colored plant leaf pigments it was recognized as part of the xanthophyll family of Carotenoids).
Astaxanthin is found in microalgae, yeast, salmon, trout, krill, shrimp, crayfish, and crustaceans.  It provides the red color of salmon meat and the red color of cooked shellfish.
Astaxanthin, unlike several carotenes and one other known Carotenoid, is not converted to vitamin A (retinol) in the human body.
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Astaxanthin is an antioxidant with a lower antioxidant activity than other Carotenoids.

However, in living organisms the free-radical terminating effectiveness of each Carotenoid is heavily modified by its lipid solubility and thus varies with the type of system being protected.
In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration there (FDA) has approved Astaxanthin as a food coloring (or color additive) for specific uses in animal and fish foods.

Also in the European Commission, they consider it to be a suitable food dye and it is given the E number E161j.

Natural Astaxanthin is considered generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA, but as a food coloring in the United States, it is restricted to use in animal food.

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The primary use of synthetic Astaxanthin today is as an animal feed additive to impart coloration, it makes the food ingredients appear to be more attractive.

This includes farm-raised salmon and egg yolks.  Synthetic Carotenoid pigments colored yellow, red or orange represent about 15–25% of the cost of production of commercial salmon feed.
Professor Basil Weedon’s group was the first to prove the structure of Astaxanthin by synthesis, in 1975.

Astaxanthin like many  other Carotenoids are important for a healthy eyesight, visit website Natural Eye Vision program.

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Learn which eye vitamins naturally improve eye health. The Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula was designed to improve vision and eye health, and help people with Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts.

Carotenoids  are important for disease prevention

Ever wondered why a favorite fruits and vegetables display such a fascinating spectrum of colors? It is not by coincidence. The specific colors are there for a reason.

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The bright rainbow colored Fruit and Vegetables are pigments called the Carotenoids, the pigments contain strong antioxidant properties.

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The most common Carotenoids currently known.

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Four of the most common Carotenoids are; Beta-carotene, Lutein, Lycopene, Astaxanthin.   They are called; Phytonutrient Antioxidants.  Lipid soluble Organic compounds. These Carotenoids are also vital for a healthy eye vision.

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The humongous vast research done over many years on human health has yielded results that prove that the Carotenoids do positively affect the quality of life.  Particularly the; Cardiovascular & Immune system support.  Also the; Healthy Vision & Respiratory function.


The carotenoids are teeming with compounds that have been shown to affect the quality of life positively.

In our modern world, we can make use of the research already done, and also be selective in our grocery shopping en devours, choosing those ingredients that have been scientifically proven to have a positive effect on the quality of life over a long term.  Think about the many health benefits of the rainbow-colored Carotenoids, next time you are shopping for healthy Fruit & Vegetables.

Mother nature has colored fruit and vegetables bright colored, to get attention and draw consumers to feast on its offerings.  Moreover, to receive the health benefits of Carotenoids.

Planning and selecting plenty of fruit and vegetables with healthy Carotenoids, while grocery shopping is very easy, they are naturally appealing because of their delicious flavors.  However, the sufficient quantities may not be sufficient. Normal servings are 5-8 of fruit and vegetables per day are said to be a good standard for a healthy food diet.  A large orange or an apple can be two servings of fruit. Vegetables should be used in several ways; raw as in salads, raw vegetable sticks for snacks, and cooked vegetables with main courses and soups. Carotenoids are available in many fruit and vegetables, by increasing the amount that people eat per day, it then provides many health benefits long term.

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Antioxidants food ingredients

 Antioxidants food ingredients are essential for a healthy diet

Learn which eye vitamins naturally improve eye health. The Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula was designed to improve vision and eye health, and help people with Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts.

Dr. Oz talks about the importance of antioxidants. You can neutralize 1000000 free radicals per second by taking 1 Protandim daily.

Antioxidants food ingredients are  found naturally, it also helps to protect the fruit and vegetables while being exposed to the elements and insects while growing outdoors in nature, e.g. fruit and vegetables.

Antioxidants food ingredients
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Antioxidants food ingredients

Organic fruit and vegetables are said to be richer in the Antioxidant levels.
If the fruit and vegetables are organically grown, it is said to foster the natural Antioxidant levels in the fruit and vegetables for self-protection, unlike fruits and vegetables that are sprayed with herbicides and insecticides, that kill off weeds and insects, it sure sounds logical.

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The colorful pigments of fruit and vegetables are also a sign of the antioxidants being present. Beta-carotene is the orange colored pigment of carrots, that the body turns into vitamin C which is an antioxidant found in the eyes.  Lutein and Zeanxanthine are antioxidant pigments found in bright green and yellow in fruit and vegetables, they accumulate in the back of the eye (retina) to protect the eye from the dangers of blue light.

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Antioxidants food ingredients are important part of the overall good health balance.

Colorful fruit and vegetables with many Antioxidants in foods can be found at most farmers markets and fruit and vegetable stalls, they are brightly colored for a good reason. They are a choice food that should be targeted, chosen, purchased and consumed.  There are soft fruits, hard fruits, stone fruits, grapes, berries, nectarines and citrus fruits just to name a few, it is a no brainer to start using natural fruit and vegetables more so in the daily diet, they are a core part of the Antioxidants food ingredients group.

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Antioxidants food ingredients are part of the natural Eye Vision Program

Antioxidants food ingredients are a vital part of the 100% natural Eye vision program, visit Online Eyesight Test to get started on the journey of discovery how to improve the eyesight naturally.

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Preventative eye health care